

170 Complete Spanish Grammar



Una campańa pubUcitaria. Termina la frase en espanol. Wńte the italicized portion of the sentence in Spanish.

Use the pluperfect subjunctive -ra form.

1.    Melissa envió un fax antes de que_ they had left their office.

2.    Nosotras habfamos dudado que_Elias had created a new campaign.

3.    Elias habrfa preferido que_eoeryone had listened to his suggestions.

4.    No habfa ninguna persona quien_ had seen the name “Bubbles”

(burbuja) on a bottle ofshampoo (champu).

5.    Sus colegas reaccionaron como si_they had seen an extraterrestrial.



Los turistas. En espanol Escribe las oraciones en el pasado. Use the imperfect indicative in the main clause, and the pluperfect subjunctive -ra form in the dependent clause. Obserua el ejemplo:

EJEMPLO The flight attendants hoped we had checked our luggage before boarding the piane.

—> Los/Las asistentes de vuelo esperaban que nosotros hubieramos facturado el equipaje antes de subir al avión.

1.    It seemed odd (raro) that the hotel would send a car to the airport. _

2.    There wasn’t anyone in the group who had previously been to Mexico. _

3.    We hoped that the management (la gerencia) had prepared a welcome (bienvenida) party.

4.    We wished the hotel had organized a trip to the pyramids. _

5.    Lina did not want to climb the pyramids unless Mario went too.

Other Uses of the Pluperfect Subjimctive

You have seen the pluperfect subjunctive in dependent clauses connecting to a past tense in the main clause. The pluperfect subjunctive is also used in some independent clauses to express a wish in the past or to emphasize a possible or unlikely situation in the past.

Use the pluperfect subjunctive:

• after que, quien to express a wish in the past.

jQuien hubiera ganado ese partido!    Ifonły (I, we) had won that mat eh!


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