224 Complete Spanish Grammar
7. No, tu eres
8. Ahora Laura va a recibir
(the oldest) de tu familia.
_ (the biggest) sorpresa de su vida.
Comparativos. i Cudl es la forma apropiada de los comparativos? Useąue, de, ordę lo que.
1. La opera es mas larga_pensabamos.
2. Es ta lampara no vale mas_diez dólares.
3. Los ciudadanos creen que las elecciones son menos honestas_querian.
4. Este pobre hombre gana menos_cincuenta dólares al dla.
5. No pueden dar mas_las gracias.
6. Siempre pagamos mas impuestos_queremos.
7. No quiere nada mas_una oportunidad.
jAyudeme, por favor! Traduce. Usa el vocabulario util.
Dear Dr. Blanco:
This is the first time I am writing to awoman’s magazine but I need help. Amanda is a very good friend but sometimes this ffiendship is problematic. She is the youngest of five sisters. My ffiend is excessively obstinate and competitive. If I buy a hat, she wants to have a morę attractive hat. If I talk about my gold bracelet, she talks about her Colombian emerald ring. When I com-ment I have had a good day, Amanda's day is YERY good. The worst is when we are with other ffiends. Some of her comments are pure fiction. She says she bought a brand new car but it is reallyjust a newer car. It is not bad to dream but Amanda tells many lies and I do not know what to do. I need a big favor. What can I do to help my old friend? (<:Que puedo hacer para ayudar a mi vieja amiga?)
lin brazalete, una pulsera colombiano (a) competitivo (a) la amistad la ayuda
lie, falsehood la mentira
obs tin ate obstinado (a)
womans magazine una revista para mujeres wo rried preocupado (a)