

256 Complete Spanish Grammar 10. Where are my eyeglasses?

The Long Forms

Spanish also has long forms of the possessive pronouns. They consist of one word and follow the noun.

Long forms


yours (familiar, sing.)

his, hers, yours (formal, sing.)


yours (familiar, pl. [Spain]) theirs, yours (formal, pl.)

(yo) mio/nńa, mios/mi as

(tu) tuyo/tuya, tuyos/tuyas

(el/ella, Ud.) suyo/suya, suyos/suyas

(nosotros/nosotras) nuestro/nuestra, nuestros/nuestras (vosotros/vosotras) vuestro/vuestra, vuestros/vuestras (ellos/ellas, Uds.) suyo/suya, suyos/suyas

Compare the English equivalents in the followmg examples:

los zapatos y las camisas tuyas el libro y la librę ta suyas

el abuelo nuestro y las primas nuestras los amigos suyos y las maestras suyas

your shoes andyour shirts his/her/your/their book and his/her/your/ their notebook

our grandfather and our cousins her/his/y our/theirfńends and her/his/ your/itheir teachers

Notę that:

•    the long forms of the possessive adjectives follow the nouns they modify.

•    all long forms have a masculine, a feminine, and their respective plural forms.

•    mio, ima, nhos, and nhas have an accent mark.

•    the third-person singular and plural forms have several translations in English. See the English equivalents of the examples above.

•    of minę, of yours, of ours, etc., are other English equivalents of the long forms.

-Tncuentras unos amigos nhos?    Are you meeting some fńends of minę?



Practica. Use the long form of the possesswe adjectwe that refers to the person in each set of parentheses (mio, mi a, suyo, etc.).

1.    (Teresa) la hermana

2.    (nosotras) la rutina .

3.    (Uds.) el trabajo _

4.    (ellos) la pasión _

5.    (Ud.) el diario _

7.    (nosotros) las reservaciones _

8.    (tu) la suegra (mother-in-law) _

9.    (los nińos) las tortugas (tońoises)

10.    (yo) el primo _

11.    (ellos) el sillón (easy chair) _


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