

260 Complete Spanish Grammar

8. el auto de Lucy y el suyo_ (yours, formal, sing.)


Preguntas personales. Use the various po.sses.sivepronouns inyour answers wheneoerpossible: la mia, la de ellos, etc.

1.    ^Prefieres tu casa o la de tus padres? _

2.    ^Usas tu computadora en casa o la de tu oficina? _

3.    Si vas de viajes, ^usas tus maletas o las de tus amigos? _

4.    ^ Esc uch as tus discos o los de tus colegas? _

5.    ^Gastas tu dinero o el de tus familiares (relatives)? _



Lo tnto es tnto y lo tuyo es tnto tambien. Traduce. Usa el vocabulario util.

Some people are odd. They forget their pen at home and they want to use yours (tu). Then they put your pen in their pocket! They probably think what is minę is minę and what is yours is minę as well. That bothers me. My good friend Paul is an example. He reads my books all the time. If I cannot find a book of minę, I know it is at PauPs house or in his office. Where is our bilingual dictionary? It is not on my desk. It is on his desk, of course. And where is President Kennedy’s biography? No, it is not at our municipal library. It is on that desk of his, in his den. Our nephew Allan always buys books for my birthday. If Paul is here, he reads my books first. Is Paul absent-minded? Probably. But I am annoyed. I want my books. They are minę!

library nephew to bother to find to forget

la biblioteca el sobrino

molestar(le) a alguien encontrar > ue olvidar






olvidadizo(a) enojado(a) bilingue la biografia la sala de estar

Demonstrative Adjeetives

Demonstrative adjectives (adjetivos demostrativos) indicate the location of the noun they mod-ify with respect to the speaker and the listener. An object, person, event, or concern may be close, not as close, or farther away from the speaker, or from the speaker and the person or per-sons being addressed.


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