The following adverbial expressions are formed with verb forms and other adverbs:
aca abajo al anochecer al frente de al parecer al salir el sol alla arriba cerca de
down here at nightfall in front of apparently at sunrise up there near (to)
de aliora en adelante de veras
de vez en cuando desde aqui desde entonces hasta aqui por lo vLsto
from now on really, truły once in a while from here sińce then up to here apparently, evidently
En espańol. Usa una de las frases aduerbiales de la lista anteńor.
1. Apparently, we want a better life. _
2. Once in a while, we need to consider that life is short. _
3. Until now, we have worked a lot. _
4. From now on, we are going to change our lifestyle (estilo de vida).
5. We are not going to get up at sunrise. _
6. At nightfall we can relax and forget about tomorrow. _
7. From here we have a view of the river. _
8. Up to now (here), this plan is boring. _
9. Do we really have to change our lifestyle? _
10. From now (today) on, we cannot complain any morę. _
Some adjectives and nouns are used as adverbs in idiomatic expressions. They are common in everyday Spanish. When used as adverbs, these forms are invariable, they do not change in gen-der or number.
La recepcionista habla bajo. The receptionist speaks sofiły.
El hombre fue directo a la policia. The man went directły to the police.
Hoy me siento fatal. Today Ifeel bad(ły).
Here are |
a few common adjectives or nouns |
used as adverbs: | |
alto |
loudly |
fatal |
bad(ly) |
bajo |
softly |
fenómeno |
splendidly, wonderfully |
claro |
clearly |
fuerte |
loudly, strongiy |
directo |
directły |
rapido |
quickly |
duro |
hard, intensely |