

286 Complete Spanish Grammar


En espańol. Usa la preposición para. Asyou do the exercise, notice the different English equivalents for para.

1.    For a liberał, he has traditional ideas. _

2.    Are you (tu) training for the Olympic games? _

3.    I need a lamp for my bedroom. _

4.    They must be here by four o’clock. _

5.    This coffee is for us. _

6.    Lucille reads the newspaper in order to find an apartment. _

7.    Is this letter for Susan? _

8.    We are leaving for San Francisco. _

9.    What do you need this money for? _

10. I need the money for a new Computer. _

Use por to indicate the following relationships:

•    Exchange. Por expresses the idea “in exchange for.”

jGompra los zapatos por $20!    Buy the shoesfor $20!

Quiero cambiar mi auto por tu moto.    I want to exchange my car for your motorcycle.

   Moving through. Por indicates the action of moving through a space.

Gorrieron por el parque.    They ran through the park.

   Duration of time. Por expresses how long something took.

Estudiaron por tres horas.    They studiedfor three hours.

•    Expressions of time. Por is found in the fixed expressions of time: por la tarde, por la manana, por la noche, etc.

Nos vamos por la manana.    We leave in the morning.

•    Movement. Por is used to talk about tran spor tation, as the equivalent of: by means of

El turista viene por tren.    The touńst comeshy train.

   Reason. Por points out a reason or rationale, as the equivalent of because of

Por no jugar bien no vas a ganar el    Because you do not play well, you are not going

partido.    to win the gamę.

   To introduce the agent of the passive voice.

El caso fue estudiado por los    The case was studiedby the specialists.



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