

290 Complete Spanish Grammar

4.    Pagaron trescientos euros por los billetes.

5.    Para un viaje tan largo, el billete es barato.

6.    Yiajan para asistir a un congreso. _

7.    Yiajan por el oeste de Europa. _

8.    Yiajan por necesidad. _

9.    Yan a estar en Moscu por una semana. _

10. Por ultimo, van a visitar a unos amigos. _

Verbs That Recjuire the Preposition a or cle + an Infinitive in Spanish

In Spanish, some conjugated verbs always require a, de, or another preposition when followed by an infinitive (Me decido a salir. I decide to go out ). Other conjugated verbs are followed directly by the infinitive (Querriamos comer ahora. We would like to eat now.).

Whether or not they are followed by infinitives, prepositions often determine the meaning of Spanish verbs: regresar means to return. Regresar a means to return to with the intention of doing something, while regresar de implies to return from.

Regresaron a terminar el trabajo.    They returned to do the work.

Elisa regresó de San Pedro anoche.    Elisa returned from San Fedro last night.

The following lists of commonly used verbs are provided for vocabulary study and as a reference tool. Entries in a good all-Spanish or bilingual dictionary will show prepositions used with verbs, often in examples. Consultyour dictionary for verbs not found here.

Some verbs may be categorized according to the preposition they require. The following list includes verbs followed by the preposition a, either before an infinitive and/or before a predi-cate noun. Gon text will tell you if an infinitive or a noun is appropriate. (Stem-changing verbs are indicated in parentheses.)

acercarse a

to approach,

meterse a

to take up

come close to

montar a

to ride

aprender a

to learn to

oler a (o > ue)

to smell of

asistir a

to attend

oponerse a

to oppose, be opposed to

atreverse a

to dare to

ponerse a

to start to

comenzar a (<

a > ie)

to start to

quedarse a

to stay, remain (back) to

convidar a

to invite to

regresar a

to go back to

correr a

to run to

resLstirse a

to resist

decidirse a

to decide to

saber a

to taste like

empezar a (e

> ie)

to begin to

salir a

to go out to

ensenar a

to teach to

sonar a (o > ue)

to sound like

inspirar a

to inspire to

venir a

to come to

invitar a

to invite to

volver a (o > ue)

to return (something) to;

ir a

to go to

to (do something) again

llegar a

to arrive to/at;

to succeed in


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