abismo (m.) abyss abogado/a (m./f.) lawyer abrazar to e mb race, hug abril (m.) April abrir to open
abuelo/a (m./f) grandfather/ grandmother
aburrido/a bored; boring aburrir to borę; aburrirse to get
accidente (m.) accident
aceite (m.) oil (cooking; motor)
aceituna (f.) olive
aceptar to accept
acerca de about
aconsejar to advise
acordarse (o > ue) (de) to remember
acostar (o > ue) to put to bed;
acostarse to go to bed acostumbrarse (a) to get used (to) actitud (f.) attitude actuar to act; to behave acuerdo (m.) agreement; estar de acuerdo to agree adelgazar to lose weight adent.ro inside adivinar to guess adolescente (m./f.) teenager;
adolescent adónde where to? aduana (f.) customs advertir (e > ie) to advise, wara aerolinea (f.) airline aeropuerto (m.) airport afeitarse to shave aficionado/a im./f) fan afuera outside; afueras (f. pl.) suburbs
agente de viajes (m./f.) trave 1 agent
agosto (m.) August
agregar to add (up)
aguinaldo (m.) bonus; Christmas gift
ahora now
ahorrar to save (up)
aire (m.) air; al aire librę outdoors
ajedrez (m.) chess (gamę)
aj o (m.) garlic
alcalde (m.) mayor
alcanzar to reach alegria (f.) happiness
alejarse to walk away
aleman (m.) German (language);
aleman (alemana) German (person) alfombra (f.) rug; carpet algo something; anything algodón (m.) cotton alguien someone, somebody; anybody alli there
almohada (f.) pillow almorzar (o > ue) to eat lunch almuerzo (m.) lunch alquilar to rent alquiler (m.) rent alrededor (de) around amable (m./f.) nice, kind amar to love
amarillo/a yellow; (m.) yellow (colon-)
ambos/as both
amistad (f.) friendship
amistoso/a friendly
amor (m.) love
ancho/a wide
andar to walk
anfitrión (anfitriona) (m./f.)
host/hostess anillo (m.) ring anoche last night anónimo/a anonymous ant.es (de) before; beforehand antipatico/a unpleasant anuncio (m.) commercial;
advertisement anadir to add ano (m.) year apagar to turn off aparcamiento (m.) parking lot, parking space aparcar to park aparecer to appear apenas hardly aprender to learn aprobar (o > ue) to approve aqui here aranar to scratch arbol (m.) tree archivo (m.) file arena (f.) sand arete (m.) earring armario (m.) closet; cabinet arquit.ecto/a (m./f.) architect
arreglar to fix arroz (m.) rice articulo (m.) item; article ascensor (m.) elevator asi m this way
asistente (m./f.) assistant; asistente de vuelo flight attendant asistir (a) to attend aspiradora (f.) vacuum cleaner;
pasar la aspiradora to vacuum astronauta (m./f.) astronaut asunto (m.) matter asustar to scare; asustarse to get scared
atacar to attack aterrizar to land atleta (m./f.) athlete atraer to attract aumento (m.) raise; increase aunque although autobus (m.) bus autopista (f.) freeway ave (f.) bird
avergonzado/a embarrassed averiguar to find out a\dón (m.) airplane a\dsar to let know ayer yesterday ayuda (f.) help ayudar to help azucar (m.) sugar
bailar to dance baile (m.) dance bajo/a short; Iow baloncesto (m.) basketball banco (m.) bank bandera (f.) flag
banar to bathe; banarse to take a bath
bano (m.) bath; bathroom
baraja (f.) deck of cards
barato/a inexpensive
bar co (to.) boat; ship
barrer to sweep
barrio (to.) neighborhood
bastante enough
bastar to suffice
basura(/) garbage; trash
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