cw2 (2)

cw2 (2)





• 1 Ifyou think it’s an important word, you should look it .................. in an English—English

y dictionary.

2    Martha refuses to put her father into an old people‘s home. Shc intends to look ..................

him herself.

3    William is an intellectual snob: he looks .................................... anyone who hasu’t been to

university. J

4    The robbers got away with over £200.000. Scotland Yard is looking .................. the matter.

5    Hcre are my address and phone number in San Francisco. If ever youYe in California, look

me ...................

F put

1    The meeting has been put .................. till next Monday.    J

2    I've put .................. a lot of weight recently. I really must go on a diet.    ,    !

3    If I stop over in London for a day or two, could you put mc .................. at your fiat?

( 4 Brian isn’t an easy person to live with. I think his wife Ciaire has to put ..................

.................. a lot.

5 I’ve just heard that they’re going to puli down the old Gaumont cinema and put .................. an office błock in its place.

G take

1    Though he looks morę likc his mother, Nigel delinitely takes .................. his father: they’re

both incredibly stubborn.

2    I think Rob Jackson will take .................. as Chairman when Don Harris retires next year.

3    Morę and morę people are taking ..................judo or karate these days.

4    Julie’s got such a nice manner. Sbe’s the kind of person that people

take .................. immediately.    y

5    they only set up the company two years ago but they’re growing very fast. Last month thcy

took .................. three morę sales representatives.

H tum

1    Themusics much too loud. Can”t you tum it .................. a bit?

2    Mikę is very unpunctual: he always turns .................. at least half-an-hour iate.

3    At first the people there scemed rather quict, but in the end the party turned .................. to be

really good fun.

4    Real Madrid offercd them £3 million for McDougall, the new star of Scottish football, but. tliey

turned it................... '

5    In many fairy tales animals suddenly turn .................. human beings.

13 Word formation

Forming verbs

Adding a prefix

1    Verbs expressing negative meaning

a dis + approve -» disapprovc (= not to approve) b mis + bchave -+ misbehave (= to behave incorredlij or bodli/) c over+cat -» overeat (= to eat foo much)

2    Verbs expressing the opposite meaning

a    un + cover    ->    uncover

b    dis+appcar    -*    disappear

3    Verbs expressing repetition

a re + build    -♦ rebuild

4    Others

a    be + friend    -»    befriend

b    en + ablc    -♦    enable

13.1 Verbs1

Add prefixes from the box be.loweoch of the foUowing verbs, so as to form vcrbs with a diffcrcnt meaning.


mis- over- un


1 ......


C> ......


2 ......

7 ......

3 ......

8 ......


4 ......

9 ......

5 ......


10 ......

Two or three. different verbs can above to the following verbs.

be formed by adding the preibces

11 ...

14 ......


12 ...

15 ......

13 ...


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