

MfoSfw c

sk^an eagie soared effortlessh-enyoying tlie

5 I found the film boring. 1 |*ft che ciuema and went to a


A A dog atCK-krd a wonun. She rrccńed no eocnpeustóoo far ler iiijurin

7    Diana a wearing an npeushe coat. Laurrn Bacnł! nore the same coat in The Big SUep.

8    1 won the gamę of dioss by u»ng a dever gambit. I had leanit the gambie from Nlgel Short.

1.0 Parenthesis and relative clauses

A Parenthesis ki the middte of a sentence When pan o1 a sentence appears m brackets, you can read the sentence without the words in brackets and it will still make senee.

Sonna (morę ihan any other sportman) was lowd by the Braziltan peojtle.

The mam Idea of thls sentence is:

Senna was loi cd by the BmzlUan people.

Commas can be used for parenthesis in the same way as brackets.

Senna, morę than any other tportsman, was bced by the BnzztiUu people.

m the tołowmg sentences. the materiał Detween the commas te not Ihe main idea of *ie sentence. Arthough the words n parenthesis give extra nformaiion, the sentence woiid sta make senee without it.

Catherlne. timing set out before dauu, was the fint to reach the prak.

Mam idea-

Catherlne was the fint to rooch the peok.

Mora than one parenthesis can occur in a sentence Fabiana dectded. on heanngabout thedeer. thot the rcould, ąfier alt. cłnnb the muuntaln.

Main idaa-

Fabiańa decided thot the imuld dtmb the utouutaln. i the main idea in those sentences. a Wc all agreed that. in view of the coodłlkm of our fcet. we would spend tbe ucat day lounng the rtflagtt. b Tł* dcer. włftfc»oigŁjUg^fr^Łńng * u*. «boot 30 inctrrs werenot dwurwi by out pmence. c Aftcr nam wąra ófytudy, ycars tthich I bdkve I ifie njł* to dr^rłbc ij both long and painful. bprtlia*    aboot whoiu you wiB hear mon

later, fuuillv lK>cnmr w good cnough triimjK-t pfuyer to Jliin the anny.

2 Remember to use e palr of commas for parenthesis. If you forget one of the two commas, the sentence can become dffta* to read. In eaeft of the tolowng pars of sentencas. one is bacty ptmetuated. Suppty the mtesing commas.

la She was. howeteyired after her espedłboo.

Ib She wat. howorer tired after her espedition, tlili smlllng.

2a Polllldans baw to be fair, Iled the Prime Minister.

2b Politiclaus lu\-qJo be fair. Ilcd less tliis year.

3a Ho tołd me włifru his company was going to be taken mer by a mułtmational.» I <]uiddy bought shares 3b He told mtfcuhen his company was going to be taJccn ovrr by* u multmatronal. that Im* was drinktag too much. 4a Jenm* toki the stosy of ber husbands acodent. was angr/wtlb him.

4b Jenny told the story of her luisbund'* accident, laughing till tbe toars ran down ber face.

B Paronthesis at the boginninfl or end of a sentence You only need one comma if the parenthesis comes at the beginnlng or end ot a sentence: the fuli stop. colon, semloolon. gueston maik or exdamaiton mark takes the place of the other comma.

Catherlne was the fint to reach the peok. hootngaet out before down.

The concept of parenthesis and the punctuaćon appropriate to rf can be appfced to many cJfterent grammabcai sirucnree.    - ~-

partopie phrase

My brotlters beiag cery jcolous. I neter inclte boys home. sentence acfcerD

Secertheless. he was a pleaturt to Ute uith. preposttonal phrase beginrfog a sentence

In the Middle Aga. Amanda would hece beeu btirnt as a ntdL

Sippły the necessary commas in each of the folowing sentences.

1    HowevcrJ dectded to spend the day in tłie inountain refoge. '

2    We found dcer ne*r the top of tbe mountaiy he hlghest łnCitobma.

3    On hearingabout tbe dceyFabiana dectded that she would cbmb tbe mountam.

4    High in tbe


C Deflnlng and non-definlng relative clauses Baaring in rnintl that a phrase in parenthesis can omntea without changng Ihe main idea of a sen notę *ie tf flerance in meanng Detween the Wer sentences.

1    Tta gids, włvo went to Aerobics cktsses, found tl eosy.

2    The girls wbo went to iierohics dasses foimd tlu easy.

The main idea of 1 te 7ha gWS found r/te cHmb a The main idee of 2 s The girls who went to aen> ctesses found the ctmb eosy.

In other words. in 1 al the grts found the dmb e whereas in 2 s te only the girts who went to aeroi dasses who found 4 easy and the other girls <Sdt In sentence 1. the phrase v<ho went to eerohcs is written betwoen oommas Decauee it is a non-c rełative clause: llke any phrase in parenlhesis, it £ Information but it can be taken away without cha the main idea of Ihe sentence.

In sentence 2. the phrase 'who went to aeroblcs is written without commas because it is a definini relative clause. It tels us which of tlie girls found climb easy.

D Sum mary

This exerciso revises the use of commas for parę

Insert any necessary commas in Ihe foAowing ser

At toast one of the sentences doee not need a cc

1    My birthdnyWiKli bad brgun wilb umhij^aiflcJ tr^Ml

2    CkopAn^Henrysdo^orratberlitlcłyrasanui^tAC^'

tbewfcolćdiy. 7    '

3 N<»r%vav bcing ł bit coM in januai^Tic decided    <AO W

Moroc*.    '    '■

4    Monon^^o was fngfttencd of spklrr^beggcd us^

5    "Tuf* łnpprned to the car \t>u u«d to dńve    djO

wnr in Califarnia?    ‘

6    Hcuryt brothenłbe doctor was uoablr to ecconpd^Y

but his I>n Klier^c guKarUt dni come.    1    '

7    Howe\t*fc*Jd as she Iłjhe hos entered the DntdfTU

Mdratłiofl again '    ..

8    He toki ineynd I know rau*re not going to like^fc al! the drinn bouglit buiynd all the .•ner<fl V youVe put mto your altempt to sdl him a Jaguar |^-be s bought * PaŁ


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