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-The Philadelphia Enąnirer
Former /? 'vE
Marina Gabriel X.
Connor and his {raal companion are scratching oni a hving among tha dangar aflB^ars of IhB Verge whsn thay fi shflf^ląonto ne\v, unknown fnrcenJunly tKeir aoanre^ęnęm likety lo avsrt thiFiisaster 'about iPjflocd into the VBrga^But an astonsshing rsirelatjon ffftm \he tfeplhs of nme rnakes the prnspnat nf simiwnl even more.tcrnblD than a cloan doath.
Campbell Award nominee Dianę Duano author oi the New York Times bost selling novel, Spocks World continuBs the acclaimed story begun in
ISBN 0-78&9-1334-7
PHntod ło US.A C*H sr 99
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