(=] Task List £2 | |
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a Ali Minę [Product Development]
§ £ 16: stack overflow error in working set switcher ®. 2 Q 12: create a new button for the submission tool
? 1: implement the connector for new product
2: design a new viewerforthe milestones 5: implement a new search algorithm for the viewer <£ Ol*. 18: move the search box label to the left
£[7 17: document codę review policy
✓0 11; reconfigure the repo&itory to support up to 1000 attachment - ✓!*] 19; update the syn^łwmgation-kcm
a Gft Ali Related [Product Development]
O « ® 20: update the support policy page
a Personal
® drop off the car for an oil change Schedule a dentist appointment a Gft Steffen Pingel [Product Development]
G 4: implement a viewthat sorts by milestone
a G^TerryHon [Product Development]
?> I l ' 6: create framework changes to support time reporting
?> 7: implement secure login for remote users
a &ToRead
read Harvard Business Review article about Shaping Technologi