[76| Łuventor: Allen ('nyfftano P.O. Box 1273.
Plymouth. Mass. 02362
[21| Appl. No.: 975,8*0
[22) Filed: N«v. 21,1997
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Primary Emminer—Noah P. Kamee
Altom*), Agent, or Firm—Se idei Goud* Lavorgna A
Monaco. PC
A fluid Yapuritttion system ccimprises a first fluid inkt for receiying * first fluid, a second fluid inlet fot recciving a seconć fluid, and a first discharge aperture for drscharging the first fluid aad the second fluid. A first roonerting passage couaects tlić first fluid ialet and the second fluid inlet in fluid communicatlon with the first discharge aperture. mixes the first fluid and the second fluid to define • fluid mixture. and dclivers the fluid mUture to the first discharge apciture. A thlrd fluid inlet receives a third fluid aad a second discharge aperture dischaiges the third fluid. A seoond connecung passage in heat transfer relationship witb the first cortnecting passage connects the third fluid initt in fluid comerojnicaiion with the second discharge aperture and de li v er s the third fluid from the third fluid inlet to the second discharge aperture to effcct heat transfer from the third fluid to the fluid imxtwr such that the. fluid mixlure is dischargcd by the first discharge aperture in a vapori2ed State.
13 Claltns, 8 Dr* winj; Sbrets