"IWthly horror% ittnii uinUUfnt |wttvit&ef #( iłiłllt* —Afuitrn uf Irrntr
They .irc (Ive ordmary pcoplc. form! (o do battle on thc mo«t terrifying field imagbuble—thc Undtoftpc of nightmam. They arc ihc Night War fioł t and onlr they can defcat the cvfl that ha* itwaded nur world thrmigh our drcarm. Only they would cvcn darc to Iry.
kMiiUtiinrr lim altv»n» fu'rn in i tir pnrttiłrf of
horror wnbe«T fuhlttłimf N*ni
’I\vo of fiu* cruclcit and mini horrifk appantiom ner wn arr aiirmptmg co dmrny our wańd by cnrcnng ehe drcarm of ocpectant mothm. Ihty britig with (bon armie* of nightmarc <.nr*tUTc*, łmrriblc bcing* that amid onJy ipring frnm *omconc t \s\\nt to; It i% agaimt theur demom, in an unrcal world ot icrror, ilut thc fivc Night Wirrkio miot prrpare to fighl thc...
A mrunrfirlna •lontelUr r Nr/iiikm anin *l,f jf- im Mjiicrimi |i Ilu* Htinir iiihrnliir to thc iialtti ot I d&ar Allan IW hrtwirlu* < hnwulr