gramatyka 1

gramatyka 1

I A The past tense of certain verbs


■» The sun rosę just after five o'clock.

■> Yes, it shone into the room.

1 limę did the sun risel insi .111 ci five o'clock.

2    I >ld u shinc into the room?

Yes, ii did.

Notę : Undcr 17A you will find a study list of the forty verbs used in the lollowing two lixercises. Although they are all quite common verbs their past h iiM-s often cause difficulty, and you are advised to familiarise yourself with Ihem lii st, so that you can do the Exercises with little hesitation and with apprccidtion of their meaning.


i ’< unhłnc i he question and the answer to make a complete statement as shown In tlic* l!xamplesabove.


I I Iow lar did the car skid?

Nearly thirty metres.

1 Why did the driver tread on the accelerator?

Het ausc he thought it was the brake. t Did the accelerator stick wideopen?

Yes, it did.

i What did the car hit?

A lamp post.

l wImI did they bind the driver's wound with? v pin« t»l shirt.

i n li aig did the passenger s nose bleed for? i hilii i long time.

i- i. did the passengerliedown? i hi i In | i v< ment. m wli.H did the di lver wakc up?

In hiiMpll il


i nc oi ner ni ivn

10    I Iow mm li dlii l hcy suc liirn for?

Twenty ihom.and pnunds.

11    When did lic ijuil liis job?

Straighl .iflci theaccident.

I 2 Why did lic flee the country?

To escape the law.

I \ Did anyone shed any tears when he left? No, no one.

14 Where did he seek refuge?

In Australia.

Ir> Did he dig for gold there?

Yes, he did.

I(> Did he strike any gold?

I lardly any.

17 Did he grow rich?

No, grass.

IM Where did he sow grass?

Wherever he could.

10 Why did he saw down trees?

To make a fence for sheep.

20 W ha I did he feed the sheep on?

Hananas, of course!

1    Why did Sheila's lip swell up?

Ucrause a wasp stung her.

2    I Iow did Ken split his trousers?

( limbing over a fence.

\ Did l oby bet that Ken could not sew them up himself?

Yes, he did. i l )ld Ken sew them up himself?

Ycs, he did.

• l Iow did Helen slit the envelope open ?

Wit h her enormously long fingcrnail. i. I Iow did Marilyn speed up her typing ?

i \ going toevening classes.

/ I Iow much did Zena bid for t he C hincsc v.r.< ?

A « ouplc of hundred.

M Whrn did she fali?

t*iing down the stairs. i I Iow did she feel about break i ng the vase?

11 ii łhlij,



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