Protomycena Hibbett et al.
1997 Amer. J. Botany 84: 981-991
the true fungi . , .. —. _
calibrated with fossil data to show
relativę tirrie scalę for the origin and
Berbee and Taylor 2001 |
Molecular Evidence for the Early Colonization of Land by Fungi and | |
: T ' j- |
PlantS Heckman et al. (2001). Science 293: | |
' years based ońDoolittleet al. (1996) divergence of animąls and fungi (965 mya) ' Coriclusions: .. ' _ ' *->X; v<w • „..jT • ' Tefresirial fungi diyerged from chytnćls 650 rrfpf(ys ' , .550 mya) ' i AT A' 9':./''. > ĆSiomafes diverged from AsćomyćÓta.ancJ . .Bąśidiomyćóta 600 tfiyd (vs:?5ÓÓ my£) » Aseomywla spiit from Baśidiomycicfa 600 mya (vs |
1129-33 Molecular clock estimates based on protein seqćience analyses suggest colonization -600 mya ,<« Green algae and.major lineages of fungi were present 1000 mya Land plants appeared 700.mya First fossil land plants and fungi dated to 480-460 mya | |