"A great read...a vivid, fast-paced novel on a grand scalę."
— Larry Bond
"I enjoyed Harvestof Starsa lot. It manages to accomplish the near-impossible: in an original and interestlng way, to recon-clle the vintage Andersonlan futurę of exciting human adven-ture with the radically different prospect of a futurę dominated by exponentially powerful artifIcial minds."
-Hans Moravec, senior research assistant, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
"One of Anderson's two or three finest works —if not the finest." —John Jakes
"Combining complex/ believable characters with a skillfully orchestrated plot, the author of Harvest of Stars continues to demonstrate his storytelling excellence." — Library Journal
Now Poul Anderson returns again to the marvelous world of these two great SF works to tell another tale:
9 780312 859435 ISBN 0-312-65*143-0
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