A clili ovcrlooking tremcndous gallcrics and cav-erns and. far helów, two armie* battling with pow-crful dcstnictisc weapons... ihis was the place into which Comstock and Clay had been throst by what they thought was an carthquakc. Herc, bclow the desert bclow the silver minę which the two had been csploritig wcrc two hidden civili/ations. deadly cncmies. and the poysessors of far-advanccd sciemific secrets.
Scparalcd from his companion. Frank Com stock found himsclf capturcd by chalk-faccd pcoplc and broughl into a civili/atk>n thal was both bcw ildcnng and awe-inspiring. For wbite the pcoplc of this Alicc-in-Wondcrland land of Wu appeared to be scicntitic geniuses. they lookcd and acted like modmen!