that raised my hopes once, my pay twice !”
—uritei Mary McLain
"T FEFJ.l>rttlowfnK>thłoLaS3!!c."*Łirtx.ineii-1 tłrjstMtlc tettcr Irora Mi»i Mary McLain ot TeniKwye, "For years 1 h*d itoełvtd only >rrali ńi-rreasia... I wm tlurouraittid... realiaed kcunly my nted Jor traliurg..
Tltta Miry Wtl.ira Betu ror łtie help! ul FRF.F, l«ok s^wn above. Aid she cnrallnd for LoSoIte** titue l«i«d tniniue that his ««i proo»t»x». wuurity. Jor tlxiuuuuix—lUpbcr Aceoentaney.
'Three moothi aiicr errcUmret. my tatary »ai nw<l 11% . .. tbtn ( waao!!ir/cd a bclter imolrjn Upea tikintf ir. I noriwl armulitr irKteace- c4 1&% t>nl limę. I attrtfyjte t(ve bcltrt pouiiun and Ml* raite li> ljdvilki Irsinirg I only ».ah tfcflt ony young man and wom&n couM mięli the iirot vvsa>a o! uaioćiit—and prerii by it—aa 1 havc."
Likc Mis* McLain You, Ton, Can As&ure Your Futurę
Y«t, you c*n rradily nueter srabjccta ttot bavt a «ure market Yłtue sn bonatnu And you ran do it—ia your tęnru linio—ot bunt! AU you iuxd U av»qrjgr abUIty aod a will to Uurfy and work.
Ywi can end that wattrra and \opinc for a talie or a |»iumy!ion For yco ran oo truło yourMJf ih»i a/.nncemont will mcci you mian th»n halfway — eUhfci righl in your [ratot bcti&ti* cc >n amuh* r.
Don’t Envy a Success—Bo One!
Why beconteritony lcciitr to uatch othms. wlih o>
moce hrtłiru and inlóllmonce. fenie afead un tiar |miwd rcod to soccesit Wfcy etsvy łbem? Why not be one ot them—one uhotn «t*r>r en-.y?
You ein lind ool how 1'ttle it coitn. wtul nraanln you maycrtHCt.byni.illistr tiiecoupijn—now! ldcr. t
Kt oćf nomg It. Sond fur this intcreuUM FRKE book.
ni out foJoy iiu» lo nuWr all yuur (onKCTou* mota uctirt' Tberc a no ołK^auco w batem-.
a co*respondenci: institution
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Td lice to have further infarrtnticn atout ywar tmśnitiK iii U nr aabjacł I fcave thet*ed—and a !rto ccę/y cc your boołCet abo«t tiul &dd.
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