A COLEOPTEHOLOGIST :s an expeU on "beatles," whtle an expert on "light” is cailed a PHOTOLOGIST
Listed betów are 18 other such scientific experts. Car. you underline Ihe ex-perfs specialty łn each instance. Tv/elve correct answers is a passing score, 13-to-16 isgood; while 17-18 entitles you to be ciassified an "expert
1 MYRMECOLOGIST ants/teards/snakes
2. CAMPANOLOGiST shells/odors/bells
3. HIPPOLOGfST horses/bees/spiders
4. ONEIROLOGIST tever/dreams/wealher
5. PYROLOGIST fire/water/air
6. MYOLOGięT teoth/bones/muscies
7. LITHOLOG1ST cavos/stonos/fossils
8. HELIOLOGIST moon/sun/stars
9. DENDROLOGIST mosses/trees/Howers
10. BRONTOLOGIST Ihunder/cJouds/air
11. HEMATOLOGISTbones/heart/btood
12 AOENOLOGIST larynx/spteen/g»ands
13 POTAMOLOGiSTdeserls/rrvers/caves U. OOt-OGIST ©ggs.Mfuils/wmes
15 DiPTEROLOGlSI llies/spiders/wasps 56 HEPATOIOG5ST kidney$/liver/spleen
17 PALYNOLOGlST pofian/seaweed/fungi
18 DACTYlOtOGlST hair/fingers/hoad
answors on page 135