Bestselling author Andrea Kane has thrille.d ręaders with he.r poignant, sensual lovc stories. Allairc dc Coeur said. “Andrea Kanes talent Imows nobounds. ” Suw she brings us the captiyaling story ojayóling lady whose romantic Jancięs are ahoui to eonie true....
Lady Sdmantha Barrett is cletermined to (md the mcm ojher dreams. OJ course, he musi be devastatingly hancisome ancljusl a bit dangemus.
Non, ker coach mjilled wilk a collecLion oj gothic novels and ker head with romantic notions as she eagerly leaves ker bmther’s countiy estate Jor herfirst London Season. Slill unsophisticated and tao innocenL by Jat; Samanlha is ill-prepared Jor the hypocrisy oj the ton or for the Jormidable s tranger w ho crosses her pcith—a stranger she is surę musi be her long-awaited hero...
fh mington Woi th. iheEarl ojGresham, is repuled to be anytlung but a hero. He is, howevei; intrigued by the Jresh, young Lady Samanlha. At sea. Remington had been a brilliant captain. To help save his countiy; he has become the Crowns most deaclly and dedicaLed coyeri agent, posing as a notorious womanizer and blackmailer. His latest ordcrs are to imesĘgate the mysterious disappearances ojEngland’s prized merchanl yessels. He will allow no one to get in his way or touch his heart—untił Samanlha.
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