No of Ti met Ind (f)
Recmnbmant Nomeeumbinani Proteina (n * 40) Proton* (/i ■ W)
37(35) |
130 (41) |
0 | |
0 |
3 Cl) |
1(1) |
0 |
15 (14) |
63(20) |
3(3) |
19(6) |
7(7) |
31 (9) |
24(23) |
33 (10) |
4(4) |
6(2) |
6(6) |
14(4) |
0 |
1 (<1) |
7(7) |
16(5) |
320 (100) 34
lunachMff Eleetnophor«ts Qrauiofocimo| iMekctrk focuuny Od tlllritinn
Rmned-phac chromitnfraph> Hydrophobic inicraction cłuomulojiniphy Afftntt) chroma toyraphy ImmobilaeJ metal ion affimty chromUigmphy Dyc
Opalem chromiuigriph)
Hydroxydpautc chroma luf raphv Sum
No of chromatofiapłuc itepa per protein