Commandcd I am to go a journey,
A long way, hard and dangcrous,
And givc a strait count, without dclay, strict account
2.|5 Beforc thc high Judge, Adonai.
Whercforc, I pray you, bcar me company,
As ye have promised, in this journey.
Fellowship. That is matter indeed. Promise is duty;
But, and I should takc such a voyagc on me,
250 I know it wcll, it should be to my pain;
Also it maketh me afcard, certain.
But let us takc counscl herc as wcll as we can,
Por your words would fear a strong man. frighteil
Everyman. Why, yc said if I had nced 255 Yc would mc ncver forsake, quick nc dcad,
Though it were to heli, truły.
Fellowship. So I said, certainly,
But such plcasures be set aside, thc sooth to say;
And also, if we took such a journey,
2C0 When should we come again ?
Evcryman. Nay, ncver again, till the day of doom. Fellowship. In faith, then will not I come there!
Who hath you these tidings brought?
Eneryman. Indeed, Death was with mc here.
2Ó5 Fellowship. Now, by God that all hath bought, redeemed If Death were thc messenger,
For no man that is living to-day
I will not go that loath journey— loathsome
Not for thc father that begat mc!
270 Everyman. Yc promised otherwise, pardie. -by God
Fellowship. I wot wcll I said so, truły;
And yet if thou wilt cat, and drink, and make good checr,
Or haunt to women the lusty company,
1 would not forsake you whilc thc day is elear,
275 Trust mc vcrily.
Everyman. Yea, thereto ye would be ready!
To go to mirth, solące, and play,
2.| s /Ulon.ii, a Hebrcw namc for God.
2 |.Ś That is a good rcason indeed [for asking mc). f/.\ Or frci|ticm the pleasant company of women.
274 Umil daybreak.
Your mind will sooner apply, atteud
Than to bcar mc company in my long journey.
!o Fellowship. Now, in good faith, I will not that way.
But and thou will murder, or any man kill,
In that I will help thce with a good will. llvcryuian. O, that is a simplc advice indeed.
Gcntle fcllow, help me in my necessity!
I5 We havc lovcd long, and now I nced;
And now, gcntle Fellowship, remember me.
Fellowship. Whcthcr yc have loved mc or no,
By Saint John, I will not with thee go.
Evcryman. Yet, I pray thee, take the labour, and do so much for mc
)0 To bring mc forward, for saint charity, cscort me
And comfort me till I come without thc town.
Fellowship. Nay, and thou would give me a new gown,
I will not a foot with thee go;
But, and thou had tarried, I would not havc lcft thee so.
)5 And as now God speed thee in thy journey,
For from thee I will depart as fast as I may.
Ev ery man. Whithcr away, Fellowship ? Will thou forsake mc?
Fellowship. Yea, by my fay! To God I betake
thee. faith; commend
Eneryman. Farcwell, good Fellowship; for thee my heart is sore.
no Adieu for cver! I shall see thee no morę.
Fellowship. In faith, Evcryman, farewcll now at thc ending;
For you I will remember that parting is mourning.
[Exit Fellowship.
Eneryman. Alack! shall we thus depart indeed— part
Ah, Lady, help!—without any morę comfort? f>5 Lo, Fellowship forsaketh me in my most nced.
For help in this world whithcr shall I resort ?
Fellowship hcrcbcforc with mc would merry make,
And now littlc sorrow for mc doth hc take.
It is said, ‘ In prosperity men friends may find,
10 Which in advcrsity be fuli unkind.’