geliu urna (1)

geliu urna (1)


A rangę of r<« fiord segjns irsp-rtd tfci* design - łheyore cu-renłły a.oikrele i« flal or exf>p<d, plair metal l>< oc indeseents check yyjr locd lyaberdiihery

THE URN Copper or Gold OUTLINE

Stern Stitch (miss 1)

1 - o, 3 -1, 2 - o, 4 - i,

3 - o. 5 - i, 4 - o, 6 - i,

Work opposite side to motch

URN DECORATION Cross-over Stitch (miss 2) lb - o, 6 - i, 7-o,    2 - i.

3-o, 8-i,    9-o,    4-i,

5-o, 10-i, U-o, 6-i,

7-o, 12-i, 13-o,    8-i.

9 - o, 14 - i, 15(1) - o, 10 - i Workhondles in Stern Stitch Stroight Stitch top linę of urn and j-idge between handles

Suggested card colours: Dark colours - Novy Blue Dark Green, Deep Red


2 1

Spiral Stitch

iiM* a

A - o. 1 - i, A - o, 2 - i. A-o, 3-1,


A - o, 4 - i, A - o, 5 - i, A - o, 6 - i,

A - o. 7 - i

STEMS 8ack Stitch

FLOWER SEQUINS Attoch lost, come out through hole, pick up bead, back in and on to thc next one1

PEDESTAL Grey or Silver (Step 3)

Straight Stitch 1-2, 3-4, 5 - 6, 3 - 6, 2-7, 1 - 8, 4 - 5.

PILLAR (Step 4) a - b. c-d, e - f, g - h, i - j.

(Step 5) Repeot Step 3.

(Step 6) Bock Stitch curves.

^Step 7) 1-2, 3-4, 1-4. 3-2


PEDESTAL 8ASE (Step!) o - o, b - i. c - o. d - i, e • o. d - ■, e - o. b -1, c - o, f -1, o-o, f -

(Step 2)

8ock Stitch corved edge of on both S'de*.

Stem Stitch (miss 1) sectiors A, B,C


Syggcsted threcd - Urn - Gutermann MetolHc 1134 • Copper Brown Pedestcl - Meltler Wetollic 2701 - Sihter

Leaves - Gutermcnn Metallc 400 or Metfler Stlky 9804 - Variegared Green

Flowers - light coloured flot or cupped seguins Beods - (to secu-e) in contrasting colour

© Copyrr/.t iOC6 ć-.e fermer 4 bl K«llr Prick Srreh CopMktOrit


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