Kilu Elepłmnts easy to mąko
(Ol coursc*. you must use Angol Klakę.)
Her trunk is long for poanut scooping,
I fer ears are big and always drooping!
I. Stul w*b Iwo a»Wd 9-lnch niw od cikrt mad* frotn * mii oc
rtdp*. Cul a ring IH ind** wid* froni odp b>*r. Cul out a ihird ul tbr ring for brr tnmk.
2. DMdr rmuining picct of ring Into four c«jual parti, l'h<* u»* lvI kytt cm a tray for lho body, lf»e imali iir<łc fce K.lU ł hrad. Add W*t and a happy tiuok.