23 from UV); 24 from |f}, 28 was or jginally recorded for * TV show and is inciuded as a bonus track
DłSCOGRAPHY (0 Tere Perestroika |
_7* 1989 | |
1,2,5,6,9,10,12 recorded & rnued by |
(Stupido 001) (I) Kulmale Maale (Kylmalle Maalle) |
_LP 1989 |
Mtkko Karmiła at Shabby Road Studios, Helsjpki, October 1989. |
ITWW) UO Kulmale Maale (Kylmalle Maalle) |
CO 1993 |
24 recorded & m1»ed by 0lavi Johamon at |
(fWINCDl) (IB) Pieni M>es, Iso Tuoppt |
T 1990 |
Kergetflostustehnikum, lalltnn, January 1988 23 recorded by fftno Maemeti and mined by Peetet' MiArtts at . HeWocjate Maja, laHinn,"summer 1991 |
(Stupido 007) (IV) Sanst Saar |
12* 1991 |
(Stupido 015) (V) MaailmalSpp Koju Kat te |
_7* 1993 | |
(Stupido 025) (VI) Grmgode Kultuur |
LP/CO | |
Ali the rest recorded & miied by Pwrtcr Maarits at Linnahall, Tallmn, |
1993 (TWINLP/CD13) (VII) Sputniks in Pcctopah |
_CO 1995 |
1992-1996. Tracks 1,2,5,6,9,10,12 are taken |
(TWIKC027) (VII) Rumal Kali |
_MC 1996 |
from III); 16,17,18,21,22 from (VI); 25,26,27 from (VII); |
ŁFCR004) (IX) Janeste Iwasioon |
CO 1996 |
3.4,7,8,11,12,13,>4,15,19,20 from (W); |
(TWINCD31) |
(VI) & (VII) were also released by ICuachal Records, Germany.
Ali songs are Sting tn Estonian, etcept 25,26,27 which are in Russtan.