Lace Shawl opis + schemat

Lace Shawl opis + schemat

Lace shawl

Bead stitch and lace hole edging

GS K3tog (WS)

[El Sil. K2tog. psso (WS)

Blank spaces: No stitch: Used only to help in visualizing the pattern.

Notę: Double yarn overs are worked as a knit and a purl on the following row.

By Deborah Newton

Size. One size fits all!

Blocked measurements. Approx 80" X 40‘.

Materials. A. 7 skeins (each 50g/220 yds) of Pingouin 'Pingolaine' (100% wool) in Tropique color #66. B. One pair size 6 knitting needles, orsize to obtain gauge. C. One very fine knitting needle to aid in knitting up edge stitches. (I used a size 1.) D. T pins for blocking.

Gauge. (Based on finał shawl size: swatching yielded a slightly tighter gauge than was obtained in the fuli size shawl.) 25 sts and 50 rows to 8' over Bead Diamond pattern using size 6 needles. (Orig-inal swatch yielded 30 sts and 60 rows to 8‘.)

Notę. The shawl is worked in 2 pieces which are grafted/woven tog at the center of the shawl.

Shawl. CO 18 sts with the invisible cast-on method (see School) and k 1 row.

Work even in Bead stitch and lace hole edging for 4 reps (80 rows), and end with a WS row. Tie yarn marker at beg of next row; work even for 3 morę reps of edging (60 rows). Tie marker at beg of next row and work even for 4 morę reps of edging (80 rows). Place sts on holder.

1 bump or edge stitch = 2 rows of edging. With RS facing, slide a very fine needle through each 'bump,' or edge st, along each garter stitch ridge between the markers—30 edge stitches on fine needle. Do not turn.

Then work Rows 1 and 2 of Bead diamond pat over 30 sts.

Next row (RS): insert tip of RH needle into 2 bumps in edging and knit them up together into 1 st (as though working k2tog), place marker, work Row 3 of pat over 30 sts to end, place marker, then, before turning, insert tip of RH needle into 2 bumps and knit up 1 st in them—32 sts.

Next row (WS): k1, sl marker, work in pat (Row 4) over 30 sts, sl marker, end k1.

Keeping center sts in pat as est, cont to knit up 1 st in 2 bumps at each end of the next 4 RS rows, keep new sts in k every row—40 sts.

Keeping center sts in pat as est, cont to knit up 1 st in 1 bump at each end of the next 20 RS rows—80 sts.

Keeping center sts in pat as est,

54 KNITTER'S Magazine

cont to knit up 1 st in 2 bumps at each end of the next 5 RS rows—90 sts.

At the same time as knitting up edging bumps as described above, when Bead diamond pat is complete, end with a WS row, beg new pat as foli:

Next row (RS): mark center 36 sts. Work as est to marker, work in Eyelid pat over center 36 sts, work as est to end.

When 2 reps of Eyelid pat are complete (16 rows), end with a WS row, beg new pat as foli:

Bead diamond

The shawl is shown in color on pp.32-33.


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