MtG Clayton Emery Whispering Woods 3

MtG Clayton Emery Whispering Woods 3

HELP WANTED: WIZARDS ASSISTANT Must be willing to relocate in space and time...

Guli shoiflff have known better than to take the job. But with his village destroyed and a half-wit sister t<5 look after. what choice did he hare? At least the pay was good.

But this wizard was even worse than the ones hed heard about. Between the tavem brawls, the magical battles. and tafcing care of that strange artifact that tumed up. a guy could barely find time to catch his breath.

And now. with his sister beginning to gather her wits. Guli really has his hands fuli.

Whispering Woods


o 99455 00499 2 ISBN □-Ob-1D541A-b

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Magie The Gathering* is a trademarh of Wizards of the Coast. Inc.

U.S. $4.99

CAN. $5.99


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