m c+29+ +04

m c+29+ +04

or a tłier bccwrtful thinys. Or you mig/u p ref er ro assembłe diffiprenr motifs. resuhmy in a indy oriyincd parcfwork-like pat rem !

Dear Reader,

Each is.stic oj MAGU CROC Ukt brirnis you insrmaions atut dingram s for w.v djjcrent motifs - a U

SIZE 13..'? cm (uvcr 5") hi diumetcr.

MA TF.RlAUi : Smal! amouni whitc crochci cotton no. 40 (six-cord). sieci crochet hook wc lik) (Amei S17C 12)

TO MAKE:Starling .il conlcr.ch6.inil join to form ring. Rud / : fh L work )25cinring;dosemd wiih I sl$iin Isi sc Rmi2: W ork * I ilc(3clicouniaj; Ist dcl. I dl, I p (= 3 cli. 1 A sl in 3rd ch from hook). I ch, rep fmm 4 12 limes; Cios o with si •*! in ton st of chO. Hmi 1 : Work • 1 ile over dc. 5 ch. rep from iiiounu; elose as in md 1 Rud 4;Ch I. bon, in each cli lp. work I sc. 1 ch.

of litem cw.st and fun ta maki . You muy wish to work thr snim rnattf seyęraf times, dren Join tfiest' motifs tu fam la hit run/urx pil los nmr.i.

(2 dc +1 ch)twicc. I sc.closeos iu rnd I. Ihcn work 4 sl sl U» heg nexl nul ni center ni' Isi shell. ii ud ?- Work ch Ipsand p,as per diagram. Rud6 Sl sl to center of Ist ch lp. then. following diagram, work * I ch lp willi 2 picots, 7 eh, I sc in ne.\tch lp, tum,work iOscacrossch-7, tum. 10 sc (inserting hook in bdek slrand ol sc o! prcviots row). lurn. i In i-e-l-i i Ipsai i >.ss sl i ciul willi sl ślin lu.il sc). ch 1. tum. in each ch lp work i m . i di $.dc, l ch. i $c;sisthack topi cnled ch lp <>\ Knd 5 and rep from * around. Rmh 7-i0: Cont worki ng as shown in diagram

lii hnpe ihis spęd a l feaiure will appecił to you and in spin you ro i rrnrr many iningtnrilive pmjects of you OH7I.

Morir i

Sl/.t 13 cm (ca. 5"< si|uaic.

MATERIALS. : Smali mncuini whitc sivcord ciuchci cotiun no 40. sted crochoi hnnk si/e 1.00 (American stae 12).

JO \f \KE Cli 70, then work 23 mws acfbssfaundftdpnchuin Jnllowmgdiu* gram and kety to symboJs useri; 3 ch

edunt as Ist dc in tlie heg olcaili niw \l ter cum piel i ng r 23. do noi cm threaid.com wiih I mdofedgjngaround entirć motd as fojjpw*- Cli 10 <3 ch enum as Ist de. 7 uh form COrner lp). work I de in fast dc ofr23. then * 3 chI tle (sec I )cUtiJ), rep from * uround, hut in eomers ch 7 and work l de in same Spaś last dc:ciose rnd with s) sl in top st of ćfcS Fastcn ofT.

mo nr i

—=• Altach itłittćU * Cul IluyaJ


midpoifit bngjnnma cli 70 sr (23 rnahusi





* - Uff



ST/.K 11 cm (u litlle ovcr 4”i scjuarc.

MATURIA1S ■ Smali nmnuni whitc si\-cord crochct cotiun no. 40, sieci crochct liuok sir.c 1.00 (American si/c 12).

TO 1/ OCE Slarting.ilcenter, ch 8 and jnm In form ring. Rnd l fil 7 (3 cli count as I dc: 4 ch form corner lp), then. in ring,work * 4 dc.4 cli rep from • 3 limes; ciosc wiih 3 dc in ring. I sl sl in 3rd st ol eh-7, Rnd 2 I sl sl m Ist eh lp, Ihcn Work • I shell <- 4 dc. 4 eh, 4 dc. 3 ch count us i M dc) in cli Ip,2ch, I p I - 4ch, I sl si in Iststof eh-ł).2ch. rep from * around; up to md 5.doscull mds as md I. work 4 sl sl to freg ncxt

rnd in shell ch lp Rnd A Work ' I shell. 2 ch. in pico! 5 dc with ! ch lici each. 2 ch. rep from * around Rmls4-S:i oni working as per diagram In heg ofmds 6and 7.4 oh count as I *t ic; olose these 2 rnds with I sl st in top st uf ch-l Rnd*). ** ( luster 2 ter, work <»ch, I te, * 6 eh. I dlc. rep front4 tsvicc.6ch.elus-tei 2 dtc both worked in Ist st of ch-6. work 6 ch. I s! sl iii Ist st ofch-6 (picut Ibnncd). l luster 2 dlc bo tli worked in Ist słofch*6,then * I dic.och.rcp from • twiee. 1 tc.óch.cłusier 2tc,7ch.in2-ch lp work 2 dc, 1 p(= 3 ch),2 dc.cont willi 7 ch. rep Irom •' around. Close wiih I sl st. Fastcn off


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