On ihe for side of o breok in the fobric of spocÄ™ is rhe plonet Zomper, Home of o secretive orgonization thot consfrucfs ond sells the mightiest worships in the goloxy. It is to Zomper thot the lost worriors of the fallen Chelonion Empire hove come in o finol ottempl lo restore their roce's glory.
Seporoted from the TARDIS, the Doctor ond his componions ore intrigued by the bizorre operotions on Zomper. Why ore occidents ond powei foilures offlicting the plonet? Whot is the true agendo of the mysterious Monogement? And whot ore the stronge powers of the olien shipbuilders?
fulMength originol noveIs bosed on the longest running science*fiction television series of oll time, the 88C's Doctor Who. The New Adventures toke the TARDIS into previously unexplored reolms of spocÄ™ ond time.
Gareth Roberts is the nuthor of two pievious books in the New Adventures series, The Highest Science ond Trogedy Doy, ond the Missing Adventure The Romonce of Crime, oll of which hove been highly ocdoimed. His other credits include comic strips ond the novelizotion of Cracker: To Be A Somebody.
ISBN 0-426-20450-6
9 780426 204503 >
Cover design: Slatter-Anderson Covcr painting: Tony Mosero
Science fiction/TV tie-in