Origami serwetki (17)

Origami serwetki (17)

I. Foki thc napkin m hall diagonalty to (otm a triartglc, with fold along bottom cdgc.

2. Hołd your fingcr at thc ccotor of thc bottom edge )x)u loki thc rijęht and left Comert up to thc top cornct.

3. Toki up thc bottom pomt and loki it back down on itsdf so that thc tip ol thc corncr vti cwctly on thc bottom edge.

■ł. lold thc tolt-hand fflUj Utward, opcn tt out by łmwung your finget In it, thcrt prn> it lUt to lotni a krtc vhipc. Rcpcjt with thc

right-lundCDtncr 5. Pitfc up thc napkm, wrap thc two CO men arouitd to thc baci, and tuci thcm Into cach othcr.

b. Bcnd thc Iwo lotne pomfedowit and UKk theit ttp* Into llw lumupat th* bottotn. tlicn fold down thc (ront Uwt ol tłu: top point


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