Rlmmed Steel (manganese deowdation) - manganese is decreasmg FeO content in the not suffictenł way The following reaction occumng
FeO+C-> Fe+C O
The emission of gasses has presence. There is a lot of gas cavities in ingot There is no snnnk hole (jama usadowa)
Seml kllled steal (stal półuspokojona) deoxidized stronger than rimmed Steel. Beside manganese smali quantrties of silica and sometimes alumni are added mto ingot mould (wlewnica). Solidification usually without boiling (only smali emission of gasses).
Killed steal (stal uspokojona) no gas emission Ingots free of damage. There is a shrink hole in ingot that must be removed (about 24%). Deoxidation by adding manganese, silica and alumni