łmulwjone crystal heads (-1 green. 2G crystal). 0*r.m rcund ftre-*fchfid b=3d (light green), <i-mm round flre-polished Dead WMSMrt ę'«en). 51 2-mm seed beads (g'een). 2.5-cm hendpin. 2 <•:- eyep^s. crlmp bead. 30-cm nylon wire. purchased strap
l'^5Bve moli' (Figa. A. B). Tie threuds; cul enoCSS.
Idatecther compcrents. referring to (Jrawings. String aii componnnts
I tjrrm rournJ firo potisticd bcad (brown), 5-mm nourwt fine-I pcfshedbead (bronzc). 4 mm round firo-polishod hn.arl I i’.rwvi|, 3 mm rounrl fire-potmherl bfiad (brnnzfi), 12 ft-mm | nnlireial beads (ęyold), 6fi 1 fi-mm seed beads (brorze). 2
!MsdR3j»,82-an headpins, eyepins (1 2-cm, 1 4-cm), 4-mm irpńan.crimp bead, 40cm nylon wire, purchased strap
i łnstructions
I Girę t«ds cn wre. referring to drawng on previou3 page.
I Cennej ccrrccrent3. Altach purchased strap wiłh crimp bcud
The cube-shaped motit, madę from large fire-polished beads, is decorated willi a lovely biconc-bcad star.
Podobne podstrony:
page61 Gead lipJŁRED STRAP Supplies 30 fl-mm hlcone crystul bead3 (winę), 12 4-mm round fire-polishepage62 ©CELI. PHONE STRAPS® b (Make 2 Bugle bead KING S STRAP Supplies n (Make 1.1 . n3er. 5-rm fpage44 Supplies h 4-rni ticor.-s crystal beads (r«3t). 4 3-mnt bkiuno wystał beai (green}, 2 5-nm ropage54 Supplics 10 4-mm b>coro crystal beads (purpleł, 11 3-mm bicone cn/stal beads (green). 7 xpage64 Supplics 2 4-mm blccno crystal baaris (l>gt>l pink). 9 3-mm btcone crysUil beads (lightpage30 CLASSIC DANGLES Supplics 2 6 x O-mm freshwater pearl beads. 2 - mm hłęnne crystal beads (red)iI crystal, or magnetic—can be employed. Stereo or mono tape recordings can be madę using the monito24COATINGS JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992 separated from the substrate. The crystalline lattice paramJPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992PREPARATIONS 35 Growing of Single Crystals of Cul and Its Certainpulse-width - szerokość impulsu ąuartz - kwarc quartz crystals - kryształy kwarcu rangę - pasmo ratiare shaded in black. A distinct feature of arid upland regions in crystal-line rocks is the very prowięcej podobnych podstron