Philip Jose�rmer Riverworld 2 The�bulous Riverboat 2

Philip Jose�rmer Riverworld 2 The�bulous Riverboat 2




It is a world of resurroction—wherc ovcry soul who ever lived on Eorth now reskłes; and whcre these samo people can never again die permanentlv.

Into fhi> extraordinory world is reborn Sam Clemens. Wrth o shipload of resurrccted Vikings ond a blood brother who was one© a Neanderthal, Sam'** qoest lo recover his beloved wife Uvy ond to roach th© for-ofł moufh of the great River becomes th© framework for on unforQettoble odvenfure. The RiverworkJ# scene of the Hugo Award novel TO YOUR SCATTEREDBODIES GO. grudgingly gives up mor© of its aston-ishing socrets. setting the steg© for the climox of th;s great new classic ficr on.


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