Root Chcck Tcchniquc:
A s much as possiblca 60° probc is not usc for a root chcck bccausc cvcn a good root bcad will produccd a high signal which will bc casily mistakcn for a root dcfcct.
A 70° is a bcttcr option bccausc a good root bcad will produccd only a smali echo, which mcans a root dcfcct that produccs a high signal likc lack of root pcnctration will bc casily identified.
Sec skctch bclow.
Signal not rcflcctcd
Rcflcctcd signal
Morc sounds rcflcctcd back to the probc produccs High signal on the scrccn.
70° Probc
qflcctcd back to the probc produccs the scrccn.