screenshot 1

screenshot 1

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "> <!

Because of the overrides, any spacing within is preserved. As a result, this comment has not been removed.

<html xmlns»"" xml:lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv»"Content-Type" content="text/html; charset«UTF-8"/> <title>WP-HTML-Compression Example</title> <7—[if gte IE 7]><!—><link rel»"stylesheet" type®"text/css" median"screen" hrefs"non-existent.css"/></—<![endif)—> <![if IE 7]><link rel*"stylesheet" type*"text/css" media*"sereen" href*"non-existent,css“/><![endif]--> <style type=”text/css"> body { background-color: #ffffff; > </style> <script type»"text/javascript">

/*<!(CDATA(*/ function test()





</script> </head> <body> <!—[if lte IE 6]><h3 style*"color:red">Internet Explorer 6 sucks!</h3><![endif]—> <hl>WP-HTML-Compression Example</hl> <form action="J_/" method="post"> <div> <textarea cols="67" rows="15">&lt;textarea&gt;this is a test textarea including the html tags,

<1—this comment remains, sińce web browsers do not treat it as a comment—> but with no

real content&lt;textarea&gt;</textarea> </div> </form> <pre>&lt;pre&gt;this is a test pre

including the html tags, but with no

real content&lt;pre&gt;</pre> <h2>Content Spacing is Preserved</h2> <p>asdfasdf.</p> <p>asdfasdfasdf

<strong>asdfasdf</strong> asdf.</p> <p>asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf <em>asd£asdf</em> asdfasdf.</p> <p><a hrefa"// /">Google</a>.</p> </body> </html>

<!NP-HTML-Compression saved 10.81i. Bytes before:1721, after:1535—>


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