tE)GaMerZ. WordPress > Manage Ratings — WordPress - Mozilla Firefox jSJxJ
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Delete Post Ratings Data/Logs
Delete Type: Post ID(s):
Logs Only _^J
Seperate each Post ID with a comma.
To delete ratings data/logs from Post ID 2, 3 and 4.Just type in: 2,3,4 To delete ratings data/logs forall posts.Just type in: all
Delete Data/Logs
• 'Logs Only' means the logs generated when a user rates a post.
• 'Data Only' means the rating data for the post.
• 'Logs And Data' means both the logs generated and the rating data for the post.
• If your logging method is by IP and Cookie or by Cookie, users may still be unable to ratę if they have voted before as the cookie is still stored in their Computer.
Deactivating WP-PostRatings pługin does not remove any datathat may have been created, such as the rating data and the rating's logs. To completely remove this plugin, you can uninstall it here.
Once uninstalled, this cannot be undone. You should use a Database Backup plugin of WordPress to back up all the data first. Your data is
st o re d i n t h e wp_ rat i nas, wp_ post met a and wp_ opt ions t ab I e s. ZJ
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