screenshot 3

screenshot 3

J Columns

[jcolumns] column 1 content [jcol/] column 2 content [/jcolumns]

jcolumns shortcode allows you to add extra column layouts on any page, post or even sidebar widget without need of special support from your theme and without messing with PHP codę.

J Shortcodes are simple to use yet flexible.

jcolumns shortcode works with any Word Press theme, on any page. You may even nest J Shortcodes inside of each other, adding extra elements inside each column.

J Shortcodes even allows you to create your own layouts!

[jcolumns inbordercss="lpx dotted gray"] column 1 content [jcol/] column 2 content [jcol/] column 3 content [/jcolumns]

jcolumns shortcode allows you to split any post, page or widget on any number of columns and fili each column with your content separately. Columns may be of equal width or custom width.

If you want columns to be of equal width - you just need to fili in each column content and insert Ijcol/] separator after each column. The rest happens automatically. jcolumns has an easy way to specify the width of each column

For columns of a different widths use model

parameter like this:

[jcolumns model="1,2,1"] column 1 content [jcol/]

column 2 content (double width) [jcol/]

column 3 content [/jcolumns]

[jcolumns inbordercss="2px solid gray"] column 1 content [jcol/] column 2 content [jcol/] column 3 content [jcol/] column 4 content [/jcolumns]

To create table with 4 equal columns just create content for each column and separate them with Ijcol/] marker

This is column 2 content. This is column 2 content. This is column 2 content. This is column 2 content.

This is column 3 content. This is column 3 content. This is column 3 content. This is column 3 content. This is column 3 content.

This is column 4 content. This is column 4 content. This is column 4 content.

[jcolumns model="4,2,1" inbordercss="3px double gray"] column 1 content [jcol/] column 2 content [jcol/] column 3 content [/jcolumns]

This is second column and it is half width of the first one

This is third column and it is quarter width of the first one

model = ”4,2,1" says:

Make second column half width of the first one, and make third column quarter width of the first one. Numbers: “4,2,1" of model parameter define desirable ratio between columns.

[jcolumns model="l,2,3,2,1" inbordercss="lpx solid gray" outbordercss="4px solid #666666" topbordercss="4px solid #666666" bottombordercss="4px solid #666666"] column 1 content [jcol/] column 2 content [jcol/] column 3 content [jcol/] column 4 content [jcol/] column 5 content [/jcolumns]

This is morę

This is column 2 content. This

Custom style is set for inner and all outer

This is column 4 content. This

This is column

fancy model,

is column 2 content. This is

borders. jcolumns shortcode also allows to

is column 4 content. This is

5 content. This

with first and last columns defined as smallest.

column 2 content. This is column 2 content.

align column content horizontally and yertically, set amount of gap width between columns as well as set custom CSS style for columns.

column 4 content.

is column 5 content.


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