Ali Javascript Libraries
0 Include ALL Bootstrap Javascript libraries.
Selecting this negates the need for selecting individual (Notę: not available in Twitter Legacy)
lndividual Libraries
0 Alert Javascript Library
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0 Modal Javascript Library
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0 Popover Javascript Library
{Notę: requires Tooltip (Twipsy) library)
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0 Scrollspy Javascript Library
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0 Collapse Javascript Library
{Notę: not available in Twitter v1.x)
0 Typeahead Javascript Library
{Notę: not available in Twitter v1.x)
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libraries below.
3. If you select Twitter Bootstrap CSS as your choice for styling. you will have the option to select which Bootstrap Javascript libraries you d like to also include.
If you intend to use a lot cf them, you re better selecting "Ali" libraries because it will include a single, minified Javascript file instead of the individual libraries which can cause a significant pageload penalty when there are many.
0 Dropdown Javascript Library
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0 Tooltip Javascript Library
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0 Tab Javascript Library
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0 Carousel Javascript Library
(Notę: not availabie in Twitter v1.x)
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0 Transition Javascript Library
(Notę: not available in Twitter v1.x)
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