screenshot 7

screenshot 7

WordPress Shortcodes by Synved

Select your shortcode, edit it, preview it and confirm when you're done!

▼ Preset: Default


Tab 1

Tab 2

Tab Content 1.

Shortcode:    Tabs



[tab title="Tab 1"] Tab Content 1. [/tab]

[tab title="Tab 2"] Tab Content 2. [/tab]


[tabs] —> Creates a list of SEO-friendly tabs that work with or without JavaScript


class: Only for [tabs] element, specify a custom CSS class for the main tabs Container tltle: Only for [tab] element, specify the title ofthe tab

tip: Only for [tab] element, specify a tooltip to show when hovering the tab with the mouse active: Only for [tab] element, specify whether the tab is the active tab (use active=yes)

Confirm and add shortcode

WordPress Shortcodes by Svnved


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