Il)t A
2J. Compldc Ihe senlenee willi mi ippioptlele Ho plcfced upUm lelici mhI
24. Compkle ijy *en|cpce willi nn approprinle mb in Ihe pasł siniplc lense.
iroprłnle verb in tlie past siniplc tense.
_il iiMo lillle piece*
olrlils bike lignin yeaterday. Ile’s in hospilnl willi n binken Min.
25. Compkle me ser
26. Complele Ihf aentcrice willi an approprłale veib in Hic pasł simplc lenu. somelhlng ilini wni olTand gol Food pojsoning.
nlcncc willi nn appropiinle veib in Hic pasł siniplc lensc.
ically slupid wlien I fouml cni wliai luid leniły linppcned.
27. Compkle Ihe dlalogue »Hh an appropriate word. A:Couldlltnvciheltma,pkasc7 »I
U: hu aftaid wcdotli haveany luna I KI f
21. Compkle llie diałogue wilh an appropriate word.
A: Ihe chkken's ofT. Tm nliaid.
D: Weil, In Ihat f/} HI bnvc tfie fried fisłi
29. Complele llie scnlencc whh an approprłale wad.
I III Ink ril have Ihe niixed salad i aboulyou?
Compld Ili. Can
i a siniler and ftied fi* for my main JMi.w
Compldc tlie senlenee whh Ihe conipnratlt* fonu of llie adjcclive ki binckcis.
The traffic was W^f jj____ (bod) Ihon we cspecleil.
Compkle llie senlenee wilh llie compnraliic foim of Ihę *d.i»livc in hrackels.
Ihe insidc of Ihe calliedrnl'* much • ■“ff i)if” ! Mbcmiliful) ihan Ihe ouislde.
Complele lite Mlllcnce willi llie cnmpainlłyc forin of llie adjcclivc in bnickels.
The exnni wal much C < (einy) Ihan I Ihougtil il would hc.
Complele Ihe senlenee whh ihe compntnllve fonu of llie nd)cclivo in brackds.
Ilbsislei’* a lol II 10t f . ' (clever) Ihan he il. Ql -f _
Compkle Ihe nenlcnce wIII llie compnralKe fonn of Ihe adjeclłie^in brackds. ^
I wouIdnT go down lo Ihe ccnlie now If I were you. Il’s evcn IA AlAA/C fj (crowded) ihan ir was ihis mornlog.
Complde llw senlenee wilh llie conipaialive form of lite adjccl|ve in brackds.
Stecka quiie quid mul inirowrled. ller hinbaiars a Id łli/rćf itlXkn)śl{ . (Inlknliv«>
Wrile Ihe vert» Utai collocaln wilh encli of Ihe chnlccs helów.
_&£HZ_ _in willi im boy fi icndUionse/lo Cannda
Wrile Ihe »etb ihal collocnles willi encli of llw cliolces bclow.
__ joWmy caiccr/schoola
e me senlencowilh an appropriate word.
I llfin»ii a labie for Iwo for ninc o'clcck lomonow cvcning?
31. Complele llie senlenee wilh an appronriale word.
I'm nol goinglo lcavc Ihcm n___^ \ ^'1_
32. Cwpfcrn ihe dakgw wilh an appreprłale word.
A: Wonid ytm like lo cofa anłin riw, ^ ^
. Ihe sernice was wid
B: No. thanks. Coald yoo bring me l
Complele the dmkgoe »idi m approprlalt word. I
A; YadwaknknbHMeCai yoa < -^COW* VAf/ amihtng? B: Wet. if I w«e you. fd go for one of Ikr fi* disfcee
Wrile llw vetb llial enllocnles willi encli of llie chokes below.
fljl __dlmccd/pregnanl/mMried
WikdanrblMcrilwrinnihndiefhrchnicnMm __achooMaaaoimńeisiiy
Wrile *r «etb*ai coBnedn wU mdi of Ibe chorem tełow.
\X( __™ o) <*w»»'wilh im gńlfrif dla a anall lown
Compkle rhe senlenee wilh an qpif«iar word /'l 1
Hiswtfrltn him___Utf anodwimm.
CempMc *e senlenee «l*ai ana« |eiaM word
I mm ferkns whew I »|> rad dmi he was erema eomcone ehe.
CompłHr he mdi an word HQ’(V ' (j
Iihinfcan hfI—fs fV. T.* I '-<*■ analfairwilhanodief nranan.
Complderhe snMence widi ai agpmpriale word '')'.t’tli, v,r (*
WrSepe a Mh fGhĄ/tY__. W> ho* ImecmdMgaml we bo* kakdokgmy pkysical
CompklelW diaiogne by adding an appnniale rnnta
I my mom‘s a ickIki rdmi. bnt nol widi my mam; «f‘it B: My graotMad ia. bul my grandina dinl Ihree years ago.
««Ve ałwnyi argaiag.
Cmnplde Ihe dialogne wńh a* apfroftiMe wend.
A: li she innrrkd?
B: rai afrahl lier huslnind___»^! / > / mv»v Inni >«nr
A: Oli, l'm sony lo licnt llial.
B: l’ve gol one Ihollier
32. Coinpklc Ihe scnlencc willi llie compntatlvc form of llie mljrcliyc in brackcls.
My old job’i Ui/TfP iyylfiftłotAnleieainn) than my new one.
39. Complele Ihe scnlencc willi llie coinpniniivr fonu of Ihe aityccUte in brackds.
My umllicr’* a good lennis. player boi my daiTi even hO.I f Qtt__(good).
Compkle Ile diod
57. Complde Ihe senlenee wilh hi or nf.
Ikdicd ai
5*. Complele llie sępjcnce wilh nr nr nf
»icironsl allack.