A corrplay. ot rotlncblartoma pfc*a*n (RB) vnth E7 - a vlr*l or<op»c*«łn that fr«quortly bnd* to RB ar«d Nocks Its funct«on in ccrvlc J carnor. Tho d^gro* of gfc^r. cołcr sKovs tha consofvat«on of amino *:ids in RB ind rolated pfotoins. [Rop*oAjc*d from L«*. J-O., Russo, AA. and P^lotich, N.P. (1998) Pi^uro 391. 899-865, vlth p*rmJssion]
Leukokoria (odblask źrenicy) prawego oka wskazująca na obecność guza
This photo shows the "white glow" often indicating the presence of a tu mor.
If you notice this white glow in any of your children's photos, please contact your pediatrician or ophthalmologist immediately and have their eyes examined. Reguest pupil dilation of both eyes.