Ate you ue .onog j larger solar .ystern with moduł*-', 'hal heed to be groundeCP Powador 16.0 TR3 and 13.0 TH3 three-phase iiwerters are galyanićally isolated unus that provide the perfea solution for safely connectibg your system to the cjrid. Since they are true three-phase umts, they provide high-puality, sinusoi-dal alternatmg co tren; with a !20-de-gree phase shift— a dream come true tor alt gnd aperatois. It goes without sayrng that ttiey meet all of the requirements of Germanys new Medium Voltage Direc-tive ("Miitel5pannungsrichtlirtie") and t.hey are also perfectly equipped to corn-ply with the pendihg Iow Voltage Direc-tive rMledmpanntmgsnchtlinte").
Ch Three strrngs cah be cdnnected per MPP
• < controller, which means that the umts
can pretess Th- solar power trom nine strings. They operate with three separate MPP trackers to allow for optimum ad-|UStmi.,i'l. Ii e neak t.‘f(lcie'icy is %.2-/-Cooling is prowded by demand-driven fans that are aimed dlrectly at the tem-perature-sensitrye components.
H i. easy to achiew pedect communicu-tion with bothiumts. Iri addilion to the the norma! R6485 which enables you to guery yield data wun the Powador-proLOG, they offer Innoyation.s that pro-vide a lot of < onyenience: an integrated web server for uninteriupted monitoring via Ethernet, a USB conriection tor irt* stalling software updates and a graphic display to view operating data. The lat-esl software updates are available at With all .the equipment that is tncliided, us--r no longer need a separate data logger. a number o' country-specific set-•mns are programmed mto the inyerteh. fhęse are easy to select during on-site in-stallation Your choiee of operating lan-guage is independent ol these settings. You save money beCause the separa-;ion >• onner tion box makes installatiorr entremely easy. All componen'-. oeeded fot grouuding the PV generator are in-clpded. You can lino yideos ilot gpickly show you the installation procedures ón our website.
Naturally, our three-phase umrs can be combiried with each otlier, so they are V,diable lor sigmlicanily lirgher power ratings. The connection is also prepared for s.tandalone use.
16.0 TR3 |
18.0 TR3 | |
Input variables Ma* PV .. ----f *tnr xiyvł*r |
16000 w |
I8000‘7 |
MPP tange --- |
7or» v i(o v |
>00 V 510 V |
hla-load voltage —-- |
600 V* |
600 V* |
Ma* -upili opr-nt ' |
|i«4 |
3*26 A |
Muirber o< MPP ’■ - *+r<, |
~ 3 |
3 |
Ma* power/twclcer |
— ę,5 kW |
5.5 kW |
Numbet of y lingi Output yariables |
“ i X 3 |
3x3 |
Rated output |
13:500 VA |
15 000 VA |
Snpply vciltaqe |
ar; fo Inral reguitorroślts |
acc <0 lor-il '“guiR-ments |
RaiiKl current |
~ i * id.1* A |
3x21 7 A |
Rated bectuency |
_ SC Hz ! 60 Hz |
50 Hz / 60 Hz |
cos phi |
0.80'indu*live ... 0.80 capaotlee |
0.80 mdjclije .. 0J80 capai 1 ve |
Mtinibet of yrid pliases |
3 |
3 |
General electrica! data Ma* (*‘firu;nCy |
96.2 % |
96.2% |
E (onean eff * <*->cy |
~~ 95.6% |
95.7% |
Might consumption |
1.9 W |
1.9 W |
Swiiih-mj plan |
self-n anmutated, gaNnnlcafly isolated, HF ir.mityrmer |
self-commuiateil. <jalvarncałly f*olAted. HF tW$loffrt&r |
Grid monitoring |
acc. to local reguiremerits |
acc. to local reguireiTients |
1 Mcchanical data | ||
Display |
graphical disnlay + l.frDi |
graphical display * 1,1. Fis |
Cohtrol onrts |
a.ezay nayigation + 2 buttoiis |
4-way naviganon + 7 buttons |
Iniertaces |
Ethernet. USB, RS4B5. So output |
Ethernet, USB, R$485 50 output |
Fault signalhg relay |
potennnl-free NOC ma*. 230 V/1 A |
potentwl-free NOC max. 2 30 V /1 A |
Conneetiom |
screw terminal* withid the deyice tma*. cross seetn>' u* mm1 fle*ible; cable .upply via cable eonnections (DC-Gjnneciion m:32, AC-connection M40I |
tereny terminal* wrnmi tire dwiee (max. mii sec on 16 nr-r tleculei cable supply via cable connections (DC-connecUon M32. AC-connecttdn M4Qt |
Ambieht tempetauire |
-25 *C +60 “C • * |
-25 -C +60 X 1 • |
Caolirig |
fan |
lan |
Pmtpclior cldss |
IP54 |
IP54 |
Nimii nmiypon |
< 45 flB ( A) (noiseless when operaied withou tari) |
< 45 dEi <A) (nOi*ple« >vhen opeiated w thout tan) |
DC-swr.rii |
integratecl |
mtogiatod |
Casing |
aliimfrmim casting |
aluminium cssmtg |
H * W * D |
943 * 510 x 269 mm |
94S x S10 x 269 mm |
Weigbt |
80 kg |
80 kg |
' U; A^' ~ **' Ir *•---f •»*» *. ■ ■**"•> *.<su"r !ł> •N»a»«xłi«fy *-*«v/vt ih*i a x*i |
HO effioency riiaaiam tor Powao<v 18.0 TRI
EtflWncy cnaranenstif C’vi‘ for Ptiwatlo- 18 0 TR3
iraphlcai display ol efi ciency