• Glossary:
- approach, method, technique
- language competence (linguistic, sociolinguistic, discourse, strategie)
- accuracy, fluency
- fossilization
- input, intake, output
- language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing)
- language subsystems (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar)
- learning, acquisition
- competence, performance
- syllabus (structural, communicative, task-based)
• Approaches to language acquisition - behaviourism
- language: habit
- learning: habit formation
- model of learning: stimulus, response, reinforcement
- attitude to language errors: negative
- teaching method: Audiolingual Method
- teaching technique: language drill
• Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH)
Language errors result from language differences, they can be predicted and prevented
• Approaches to language acquisition - nativism
Language: inborn ability
Language learning: hypotheses testing + rule formation
Universal Grammar: principles (features common to all languages) + parameters (features language-specific)
Language Acquisition Device (LAD) - inborn mechanism of language acquisition Errors: accepted
• Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH) -there is a limited period in human life during which language acquisition is possible (or easier): up to puberty
Lateralization (brain areas specialization)
• Approaches to language acquisition - Cognitive Approach
Language: a part of cognitive development (not a separate skill)
Language learning: experimenting with the language and constructing one's personal meaning of it
• Approaches to language acquisition - social interactionism
Language: interaction
Language learning: interaction + negotiation of meaning => comprehensible input Major concepts: zonę of proximal development + mediator