Caller |
You see ihisyesierday [reads]: Screaming Moh Surrounds the Queen. A royal walkout in Camperdown Park iurned inio ajńghtening display oj hysteńa as ihousands ojpeople, screaming and yelling broke ihrough jlimsy ropę barńers and swarmed around the Queen and the Duke oj Edinburgh. Police ińed to jend ihem ojj but she was jostled by people shńeking, sPve touched the Queen.' |
John Shark. |
Poorcow. |
Caller. |
And ijthat isn't enough [reads]: Earlier in the day, council workmen were called out to erase anti-royalist slogansjrom walls and hoardings along the Queen*s route. |
John Shark. |
Bloody Jocks, worse than the Micks. |