I General Description
The universal remotc controller of UET-2013 is a new model of multi-functional remoie control for European Market.
It features:
1. 7Device Banks: TV , VCR, SAT and KU.
2. 30perating M«;>des: Set-up Modę. (Juick Search Modę and Display modę.
3. Transmission and Set-up Indicating LED.
U Operating Process
1. Set Up Devices
According to thc brand codę in thc attached Device Codę List, find out the codę of the device thal you want to control. Then fol-low stepsasbelow:
1) Press [SET] key and hołd it. The press thc device key that you want to control, such a*|TV1], [ICI], or [AU], etc.
2) The LED will be on at the moment. Re-lease the pressed kcys.
3) Entef the 3-digit Devke Codę.
4) If the entered Device Codę is correct, thc />;D will be off automatically. If the entereii Codę is incorrect. the LED will blink twice and keeps being at setup modę (being on). Then pals return to Step3)
5) Try if keys on Remote Controller work or not. If most keys work improperly, plea.se find other codę in the same brand . repeat I
)>5) till you feel the main keys work well enough
Notę: In the proccss of setup, if you want to stop setup work. pals press devicc key. tlf not key is pressed in 10 secoods, the remote controller will leave setup modę automaticaJly.)
2. Quick Search
After you have set up scveral limes the de-vice you want to control, it still does not work ?i.c. thc device still cannot be con-trolled by UET-WJ ?,or you cannot find the correct codę in thc Device Codę List, you can usc Quick Search function to find out ' the correct codc .When UET-2003 has entered mto Search Modę ,the preset search direc-tion is Forward Search, but you can usc [SET] key to switch belween Forward Search and Backward Search dumg search process
l) Power on the dcvice you want to control.
If it’s s VCR. it musi be inserted with a tape.
2) Press and hołd [SET] key. In the meantime, press the Device Key that you want to control, such as [TV12#]. [VCR2] etc.
3) The LED will be on at the moment. Re-lease the pressed keys.
4) Press the [SET] key again and release it. Now the UET-20W unit enters into Quick Search Modę and the LED keeps flashing.
5) Point the ubt-2003 unit to the device and press [POWER) kcy. If ifs VCR/AUX, you can press either [POWER] key or [PLAY] key. See if the device work or not (power off or play). If the device works, tum to step
6) . If not, repeat step 5).
6) Then check if other keys such as [CH+/ -], [VOL+/-]...can function propcrly (i.c. if the device can be controlled). If not, return to step 5).
7) Somc devices react slowly to [POWER] signai. In search process, you can press [SET] kcy to switch between Forward/ Backward Search to change search direc-tion and find thc right codc quickly.
8) Whcncver you want to leave Search Modę. press Device Key, and the LED will be off.
Notę: In Search Modc, besides [POWER] key ([POWEI key and [PLAY] key in thc case of VCR/AUX), all other keys can be checked function normalły. That mcans you can test other keys without leaving Search Modę. ThcuBT-2003 unit will leave Search Modę if no key is pressed for 30 seconds.
3. Auto Search
1) Power on the device you want to control. If it is a VCR, it must be inserted with a tupe .
2) Press and hołd [SET] key. In the meantime, press and hołd [POWER] kcy for morę than 3 seconds and the auto search will begin.
3) Press any key to exit.
4. Brand Codę Display
The control Codę is a 3-digit number and theuET-20*3 unit can make all the 3 digits display.
1) Press and hołd the [SET] key, in the meantime press the digit that you want to display, such as 1.2 or 3.
2) Release the [SET] key.
3) Count the time the LED blinks. and the blinking limę is the digit. Lf there is no blink, the digit is zero.
5. Remarks:
Please do not press any keys when replac-ing battenes to avoid missing set-up data.