episodes in Life and the onset of a headache. You cannot get rid of stress, sińce it is a normal part of every persons Life, but it might be possible to work on our reactions to stress, and our self-beliefs.


If you work in a high-stress occupation (for example, teaching, some types of business, and prison work) you are morę likely to experience tension-type headaches and, possibly, migraines. There is a elear link between stress and most types of headache, and so your work-life can be a elear cause of this and other medical conditions. You probably cannot change your work. You are unlikely to be able to stop unpleasant things happening, and you are possibly not able to have much influence on your workload. For most of us, work is something that is handed to us, rather than something that we create for ourselves. Most of the time, there is only one thing that you can change, and that is your attitude to work. Stress is always perceived. If you do not perceive stress, then it is not there. Of course, it is very easy for someone to suggest that you shouldsimply stop feeling stressed. There are, nevertheless, things you can do to counter stress, such as finding time to relax. In cases where your health is really at risk, a psychologist can help you to redefine your stress.

People who work with toxic materials as part of their job may be morę susceptible to headaches, especially if there is unavoidable contact with those substances. Although health and safety organisations monitor such exposure, we all know that accidents can and do happen, and, occasionally, people can become complacent and fail to follow the guidelines set out by the authorities. Headaches can, in theory, be triggered by any exposure to hazardous materials (most people have experienced a headache from painting a room in their house, for example) or even by lead absorbed through the skin. Therefore, if you are experiencing regular headaches, speak to your doctor about your work, and perhaps the person responsible for health and safety at your workplace.


Many people naturally want to know if headaches and migraines are passed down in families. The answer to this is simple: yes and no. There is some


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