vamp 01

vamp 01

Bead Identification

Materia's Supplied:

92 12mm SUNBURST® Beads-White 112 12mm SUNBURST® Beads-Black 20 18mm SUNBURST® Beads-White 8 8mm Round Beads-Peach Swirl 8 10 x 12mm Bell Beads-Black 4 22mm Head Beads-Pallid Fleshtone 1    9" x 12" Felt-Black

24" Yarn-Black 120" 24ga.CraftWire-Silver 40" W Satin Ribbon-Red

Tools Needed: Scissors, Wire Cutters, Long-nose Pliers, Clear-drying Crafl Glue, White Pencil or Chalk.


Notę: Read all instructions before beginning.

STEP 1 :Cut a 13" piece of wire.

Center one Head Bead on the A, I 'w wire. Wrap wire from top around I j) the back of the head to the bot- V* [ JJ tom. Twist wires together once. \. // These are body wires.

STEP 3: Cut a 9" piece of wire. f \ Wrap center of wire once around ( £ j the body wires. Push this “arm l ~ wire" up against the last 12mm \ rrf~v<SUNBURST Bead.

S \ / \

I ^ Os j

\ 'i—r J STEP 2: Holding body wires together, string on three White

(Instructions Continued Inside)

n I2mm SUNBURST Beads. -U These beads form the neck.




P.O. Box 178, Hope Valley, Rl 02832 ©1988 Greene Plastics Corp.


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