00335 g3b40dbbf66d5e5072621ad7f05eef6
McCarville & Montgomery
Graphical Optimization
When viewing the contour plot of the ppm(Def) model, it is obvious that there are an infinite number of possibilities to meet the corporate and customer requirement of 100 ppm defects. Achieving this could certainly be done by the trial and error method of guard banding. However, this would likely take considerable time and it is extremely unlikely that the minimum level of Gage Loss could be achieved. By overlaying the contour plots, optimum settings for the guard bands should quickly be found. Figurę 16 is the first attempt at finding the optimum graphically. By observing the contour plots of the models, a Gage Loss of 100,000 ppm was thought to be close to the right area. Figurę 17 is the second iteration with the Gage Loss set at 80,000 ppm. The finał iteration is shown in Figurę 18 with the minimum Gage Loss found to be 75,000 ppm or 7.5%. The optimal levels for GB1 and GB2 are 642 and 614 respectively.
Design Expert Graphical Optinizatioo

Figurę 16. First Optimization Plot with the ppm(Def) Level Set at the Corporate Goal of 100 ppm and the Gage Loss Set at 100,000 ppm (10%
Yield Loss).
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the start of this passage, she later constructs herself as feminim when viewing herself as part of t00311 40d919f08bfaaab16635561d62a741 314 McCarville & Montgomery appropriate levels. These gag00317 ?8ddf873a508f535a2304aca8bc776b 320 McCarville & Montgomery units will be rejected due to00323 ?85e6f46f7f32f30fdf82adebd3e7fe 326 McCarviIle & Montgomery Figurę 10. The Defect Level D00325 ?437d425376f31708da407e970fe43f 328 McCarvilIe & Montgomery USL z = J[f00327 271125d41fcbd8d7859983e972a0b77 330 McCarville & Montgomery P(good00329 ?f4634893f39e8884db8751e17aa760 332 McCarville & Montgomery 0.136772. This becomes a pote0033100333 ]489b6074768ba52499a553f0da86cd 336 McCarville & Montgomery RasponM: Ln pnn(Daf) in trana00337 ?cc2c711f7435285954e5a4f8b72a11 340McCarville & Montgomery When applying the optimum guar00339 +06a963b1e1eb1e683a249968625de1 342 McCarville & Montgomery Additionał Considerations The00315 ?2897da0df33ebfef7d49591ddf4696 318 McCarviIle & Montgomery Figurę 3. The Probabiiity of"^SAFETY PRECAUTIONS* (Always read these instructions before the exercise.) When designing thePPTP When defining the PPTP server s IP rangę, avoid overlap with the rangę of IP addresses handed oIMGR33 (2) GILDING AND TECHNIQUES OF DECORATION sunulatcd in che woodcn moulds. When complctcd the wwięcej podobnych podstron