514 Bibliografia

Reforma islamu

C. C. Adams, Islam and Modemism in Egypt, Londyn 1933.

N. Keddie, Sayyid Jamal dl-Din al-Afghani, Berkeley 1972.

N.    Keddie, An Islamie Response to Imperializm, Berkeley 1968.

M. Abduh, Risalat at-tawfud, Kair, liczne wydania; przekład angielski: The The-ology of Unity, Londyn 1966.

M. R. Rida, Tdrih al-ustdd al-imam a-sayh Muhammad Abduh, t. I-III, Kair 1906-1931.

J. Jomier, Le commentaire coraniąue du Manar, Paryż 1954.

A.    H. Green, The Timisian Ulama 1973-1915, Lejda 1978.

F.    de Jong, Turuą and TUraą-linked institutions in Nineteenth Century Egypt, Lejda 1978.

B.    Abu Manneh, The Naąshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya in the Ottoman lands in the early 19th century, „Die Welt des Islams” t, 22, 1982, s. 1-36.

O.    Depont i X. Coppolani, Les confreries religieuses musulmanes, Algier 1897.

C.    S. Hurgronje, Les confreries, la Mecąue et le pan-islamisme, w: Hurgronje, Ver-spreide Geschriften, t. III, Bonn 1923, s. 189-206.

C. S. Hurgronje, Mekka in the Latter Part of the 19th Century, przekład angielski, Lejda 1931.

J. M. Abun-Nasr, The Tijaniyya: a Sufi order in the modem world, Cambridge 1965.


S. Mardin, The Genesis of Young Ottoman Thought, Princeton 1964.

S. Mardin, Jon Turklerin siyasi fikirleri 1895-1908, Ankara 1964.

Z. Gokalp, Turkish Nationalism and Western Cmlization, oprać, i przeł. N. Ber-kes, Londyn 1959.

W. L. Cleveland, The Making ofanArab Nationalist: Ottomanism and Arabism in the Life and thought of SatV al-Husri, Princeton 1971.

W. L. Cleveland, Islam against the West: Shakib Arslan and the campaign for Islamie nationalism, Londyn 1985.

S. al-Husri, Al-Bilad al-’arabiyya wa-dd-dawla al-utmaniyya, Bejrut 1960.

G.    Antonius, The Arab Awakening, Londyn 1938.

S. Haim (oprać.), Arab Nationalism: an anthology, Berkeley 1962.

C. E. Dawn, From Ottomanism to Arabism, Urbana, Illinois 1973.

Z. N. Zeine, The Emergence of Arab Nationalism, Londyn 1960.

P.    S. Khoury Urban Notables and Arab Nationalism: the politics of Damascus 1860-1920, Cambridge 1983.

J. M. Ahmed, The Intellectual Origins ofEgyptian Nationalism, Londyn 1960.

I. Gershoni i J. P. Jankowski, Egypt, Islam and the Arabs: the search for Egyptian nationhood 1900-1930, Nowy Jork 1986.

L. C. Brown, Stages in process of change, w: C. A. Micaud (oprać.), Tunisia: the politics of modemization, Londyn 1964, s. 3-66.

A. Laroui, Les origines sociales et culturelles du nationalisme marocaine 1830-1912, Paryż 1977.
